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Our Programs

Since 1992, the Rural and Urban Development Youth Association (RUDYA) has been dedicated to advancing rural development. With a mission to involve rural communities in their own progress, RUDYA has spearheaded numerous programs to raise awareness and inspire action on critical development issues. Our guiding principle is clear: "Development of the people, by the people."

RUDYA offers a diverse range of opportunities that empower individuals with the information, skills, motivation, and leadership qualities necessary to drive social and economic development within their own communities. 

Over the past three decades, RUDYA's efforts have yielded significant rewards, reaching and positively impacting numerous individuals across vast areas. Our focus has been on equipping rural populations with the essential skills and knowledge to actively engage in their development journey.

Throughout this period, RUDYA has touched the lives of people in more than 100 villages, instilling new hope and addressing various challenges. While some issues have been resolved, many others are still in the process of being remedied. Development is a continuous journey that brings gradual, meaningful change. Our greatest achievement lies in fostering awareness and motivation among the people. Building on this foundation, a variety of development activities and programs have emerged to meet the unique needs of different rural situations. 

Our vision is to systematically plan and implement actions that transform villages into hubs of progress, joy, and happiness. We believe that rural India is the true essence of India, and our work reflects this conviction.

In collaboration with rural communities, RUDYA has initiated numerous grassroots programs over more than 30 years. These initiatives have spanned areas such as integrated village development, drinking water and WASH, education, livelihoods and skilling, children's development, women's empowerment, agricultural advancement, environment, and rural health.


Through the below list of our key programs and projects we aim to share our experiences and the impactful work we've undertaken in the realm of rural and tribal development.

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Our presence in Maharashtra -

Head office in Gadchiroli and multiple project implementation offices in Charmorshi and Dhanora blocks

District office in Chandrapur 
Multiple field and project coordination offices across Nagpur, Yavatmal, Wardha, Bhandara, and Gondia districts of Maharashtra. 

We have implemented projects in more than 100 villages across the highlighted region. 

'Pancham' - An Intergrated village development project at Mutnur

Maharashtra Foundation's Pancham initiative helps create vibrant villages by supporting holistic development projects in the areas of Health, Education, Environment, Poverty reduction, and Women Empowerment. This initiative is ideated and funded by Maharashtra Foundation, and it is implemented by RUDYA in Mutnur village of Gadchiroli district. Under the Pancham project, RUDYA has undertaken multiple initiatives, a few of which are listed below -  
-Pond deepening and irrigation system

-Door Step School

-Water ATM

-Gram Sabha and Women Empowerment

-Vehicle driving trainings

-Agricultural Development Programme

-Scheme Information Centre etc. 

Access to Justice - Chandrapur district

KSCF US funds the Access to Justice program through grant-making to partner organizations working at national and local levels. RUDYA is implementing the program in Chandrapur district from 2022, in which we provide required interventions to stop child marriages, child trafficking and sexual abuse; under this program we work with local administration to ensure the following key aspects are delivered - 
-Legal support 

-Intelligence and rescue


-Professional training and community engagement

-Tackle child sexual abuse and work towards its awareness. 


Integrated village development project - Totladoh

Totladoh village, located in Pench National Park, Maharashtra, relocated 90 km from Nagpur City to New Totladoh. The village, primarily dependent on fishing in Totladoh dam, lost its livelihood post-eviction. The Community Forest Resources claim under the Forest Rights Act 2006 for fishing rights remains stalled. New Totladoh, a tribal village with 1,235 people in 253 families, faces economic challenges. Support from GGF enabled educational aid, kitchen garden seeds, sewing machines, medical kits, pond desiltation, and field facilitator assistance. These initiatives aim to enhance livelihoods, especially for children and women, amid COVID-19-induced hardships.

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SATHI Rural hospital and Health Programs

RUDYA has another setup for health a good number of health activities Made in the Intervention area of RUDYA. Eye Camp, health check up, healthy body Competitation, family planning, Sanitation Program are continuing to keep people. “SATHI” Hospital (Social Awareness through Health Initiative) has been started from 24 December, 2017 at Muska Ta. Dhanora Dist. Gadchiroli with the help of JAFS, JAPAN.

Total 540 patients have been examined during the year. Mostly Disease were  found in patients, Anemia, Typhoid Asthma, Arthritis, Abdominal pain, Skin diseases, cold cup fiver etc.


Indo-Japan Marathi Primary School, Padatola 

             Education plays a Major role in our daily life child Education is the most important part of child too gives good future to a child, INDO-JAPAN Marathi Higher Primary School Padatola, Taluka Chamorshi. It is very Unique School for tribal and poor students it is one of the fore front of building child future. Here children get education of Primary Education up to 7th standard.  This year 90 children enrolled here, a good number of educated teachers and staff providing a good line to children. Monthly parents meeting, Family visit and other educational awareness programmer are playing major role for achievement of Goal with the help of JAFS.  In this school we have provided hostel facilities, computer, Library, sports and Music equipment for overall development of the Students.

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Community Forest Resource Management Committees (CFRMC) Training project

The Capacity Building Project for Community Forest Management Committee Members, supported by the Global Greengrants Fund UK, aims to enhance natural resource management and forest livelihoods in Vidarbha's districts, including Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, and Nagpur. Many community leaders lack resource management skills. This project trains Community Forest Resource Management Committees (CFRMC) to manage resources sustainably. The training covers natural resources management, sustainable forest practices, planning, implementation, monitoring, conflict resolution, negotiation, and communication. 


Bio-gas project - GGF

In collaboration with Global Greengrants fund UK, Bio Gas project is being implemented in the tribal area of ​​Deori taluka of Gondia district for the last two years.
The main objective of implementing the Bio Gas project is to provide pure gas to the people living in remote and tribal areas, saving their time, money and health costs and helping the environment by stopping deforestation.
A total of 32 families have been allotted biogas, 10 in 2021-22 and 22 in 2022-23. And no money


Safe-Drinking Water Project

RUDYA Organization is working in the tribal part of Maharashtra State. It is working through Japan Asian Association and Asian Friendship society (JAFS), JAPAN,
Till now "RUDYA" established 25 Open wells and 28 tube wells in the various part of Gadchiroli District. RUDYA always forefront in the achievements of Drinking water problem.

In this past financial year RUDYA Made two bore wells in Tribal villages: One at Dhawali and another at Phasitola ta. Dhanora, Gadchiroli District


COVID-19 Relief Campaign and future epidemic preparedness for Tribal Areas

For the past 4 years, RUDYA has been actively engaged in addressing COVID-19 related health issues of tribal villagers in the Gadchiroli district. We identify the issues and try to provide relief in the form of health camps and counselling. Our main focus is on creating awareness regarding COVID-19 and such future epidemics: we create awareness for its precautions, and preparedness.  

Earlier, we had supported tribals from nearly 25+ Villages and were running this dry ration distribution campaign with national and international support. Our main supporters for this program are Japan Asian Association and Asian Friendship Society (JAFS) and the Japan Platform(JPF). 

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Livelihood Promotion and Self-employment Program 

RUDYA also has another setup for development of youth Leadership training and other self-employment program are provided to youth, ''RUDYA" Also took initiatives for providing guidance of Govt. schemes to youth , also guided to get loan cases. " RUDYA" has initiated a number of programmers which enable people to start some economic activities Under the self employment programmer RUDYA has the following activates (a) Information service (b) Guidance for self employment (c) Training for self employment. We made whats App group in the name of ‘RUDYA Volunteers’ and providing employment news and other information through this group.


Self-help Groups (SHGs) Program 

RUDYA also took initiative to awake women skill and attitude in the rural Parts. Till today "RUDYA" already setup 100 SHG near about 1200 women have been benefited. RUDYA always a setup ahead for skill training like group formation, book keeping and Micro- enterprise. Maximum women who benefited from this project are have own small enterprises and good Monthly outcomes are coming from their business. Most important projects are Honey Project, Fishery project, Group farming, bricks making, Milk Project .Like this various project are running by SHG women.


Climate Change and Green Scout Program

           RUDYA attached a very great importance to the problems related to ecology and environment as gradually it is also affecting the rural life.

It is comparatively new programme which includes creating awareness, forestation, plantation of trees, horticulture etc. RUDYA introduced "Green Scout troops, through program RUDYA formed 30 Green scout troops in different school. 700 hundred school students are involved in this program. . In this year Green Scout programmes were organized and planted 400 trees at Muska, Gadchiroli, Lakhamapur Bori, Padatola, Waghbhumi and mahawada.

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People Empowerment through Cooperative Societies program 

Cooperative society play major role in rural economic development RUDYA took initiative and formed “Adarsh Rural Credit cooperative society with help of village people of Lakhmapur Bori which is surrounded by ten small villages by these people saving their money in the society and society is giving lone to the small shopkeeper, farmers, small enterprises and for various purposes. Society members can take the loan for fulfill their needs society has collected Rs, 60,20727/- deposit from members and Rs. 3849598 /- loan has been distribution to the 451 needy members during the year.  Society has 491 individual members and 10 SHG group members. It is very important and self reliance project.

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AYS and International Network Seminars

Asia Youth Summit program was introduced by JAFS JAPAN it is aimed to develop the youth who can think globally and act locally against the social issues raised in the community where the youth are involved with or living in. Moreover it is the process of creating a network among the youth by nurturing the friendship during and after the program.

In the past year AYS was held in Osaka JAPAN on 17 to 22 August   2019. RUDYA has send two participants from the Gadchiroli to attend the AYS, and it was very great experience for them.


SAKHI One-stop Women Centre, Gadchiroli

One Stop Centres (OSC) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honour related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with specialized services.


Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Awareness program 

The sexual abuse of children is a violation of their fundamental rights. It is universal and complex problem the outcomes of sexual abuse are very harmful for children, they are similar to those of depression or severe axially and nervousness mostly children face as well as they don’t want to participate in any physical activities. victim is always hiding and avoiding a specific person for no reason.  They withdraw them from normal and regular activities. This will be the reason for poor performance in school and class participation. RUDYA is implementing CSA prgramme in Gadchiroli District from 2016-2017 with help Sahyog care for you, New Delhi comparatively it is new programme RUDYA is taking the step to address this issue the CSA programme of Rudya reaches out to children between age group of 7 to 14 years. We aim to protect children by educating them and their teachers and parents recognize and prevent child sexual abuse.



              Other ProgramsShivakalin, Sangopana, Student Exchange Work camps, Sports Promotion, Suvarna Jayanti Gram Swaraj Yojana, Financial Literacy for Drivers, E-learning Centre Lakhamapur Bori,  Forest Rights Promotion and Awareness Program and many more.....

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